my name is ryan koo (구현교)


Ryan Koo

University of Minnesota

I am part of the Natural Language Processing group where I am fortunate to be mentored by Prof. Dongyeop Kang and previously worked with Jaehyung Kim at KAIST and Yekyung Kim at Hyundai Motors. I am also fortunate to be mentored by Prof. Maria Gini, Dan Boley, and John Harwell within the Swarm Robotics Group.

More recently I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Vipul Raheja and Dhruv Kumar @ Grammarly working on instruction tuning for revision tasks. My other projects include understanding writing trajectory in academic manuscripts and an interface ensembling various large language models.


Currently as of Summer 2023 I'll be joining Amazon in Seattle, Washington.


As a balance between scratching my head over research papers or writing random code snippets, you can find me playing the cello (ask me about my favorite classical pieces!), browsing for fancy restaurants, watching and sometimes playing soccer (COYS), or sleeping. And recently, I've spent a lot of my free time dancing hip-hop.